Monday, August 15, 2005

Boar, the five story club, and pivo

Our first real night going out (in Vienna we drank at the bar in the hostel but we didn't go out). We befriended some brits who were staying in the room with us, and headed out as a group to explore the city away from the touristy areas. Politics and rugby were the primary conversations of the night, but it was fully a cultural exchange on many levels, including pop stars and dispelling popular myths about Americans (i.e. 'Is it true most Americans don't know where America is on a map?' and it also seems to be a widely known fact around the world that only 10% of Americans have a passport, something a European cannot even begin to imagine). We wandered into a restaurant that would take the six of us after much wandering, and I had some delicious gulash after showing the Brits how to eat bread with tabasco and salt. Apparently they're just not used to spice in England. One of our new friends ordered Boar, which the rest of us tried, but I was much happier with my gulash and potato dumplings. After dinner, and more than a few pivos (Czech for Czech beer), we headed out to the club. Five bouncers greeted us at the door with wands (of the security variety), and as it turned out there were three floors active that night, it was Sunday, and they were rap/hip hop (which as an American from D.C. was very funny considering it was all northern European men dancing to it, so many Eminems), techno, and my favorite: 80s oldies. The techno floor was cool because of the usual fog accompanied by lasers... very trippy. My sister had a shot of absinthe, which I didn't think was real because it was relatively cheap. She said it was not tasty, but she only had one shot so no green fairies for her. I had a 'long island ice tea' which despite being labeled as an 'extra strong' drink, was quite weak. Also lots of Pivo and vodka redbulls (aka 'heartattacks'). All in all it was a good night, can't say we met or talked to anyone outside of the group, but I for one just wasn't feeling it, and Brits, at least the ones that I've met, seem to lack the self confidence that is needed at clubs to meet strangers. All is well, the castle tours are today, and I'll be home in three...

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