Tuesday, August 10, 2004

To cross the street: wataru

Spent the day sleeping in my busniess class (getting better about it these days but still don't win every battle), and meaningful contributions in politics. After class I grabbed a quick snack from the convenience mart and went to a showing of the documentary *A2* which was about the radical AUM religious group that conducted the 1995 sarin gas attacks. Their story seemed sympathetic, and it was just a radical aspect of their cult (albiet their Guru was the one that told them to do the attacks). Momoko and I skipped out before the movie ended and headed out to the J.R. trains to travel to harajiku. We went to the shrine that the japanese emperor visited before world war two, that had been dedicated to the veterens, and walked through a brief art museum that was filled with depictions of ships exploding and many men dieing. It was established that we both had relatives on either side of the war, in some cases perhaps fighting eachother. Strange to think about, though there are plenty of stories of Germans soldiers getting together with allied veterens and having the best of times, just two soldiers on different sides. After that we walked through a shopping district on our way to shibuya. we both filled out a street survey (about the possibility of a new department store) and looked in various other shops. A quick JR ride to ikebukoro and then we were off hunting for BOH tea, something which I had had in malaysia but had not been able to find anywhere else in the world (I'll try online sometime, later). We then met tsutsu-san outside the east exit, and wandered through tokyu hands, and went to rakeru for dinner (a place that I frequent). Said goodbye to those two on their way back to the station to write here. A great afternoon that I hope I can repeat, however, tomorrow is Mt. Fuji! Gambare!gohenji wo machi shite orimasu-Jud

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