Friday, July 02, 2004

morning dahling


well, bright and early this morning I was awoken by the Japanese Communist party and their little tiny toyota that had a loudspeaker rack that looked all too much like what ended up being put on top of the Blues Mobile. Watched the Yankees beat on the Soxs (damn Yankees) and called the only two numbers back in the states I've called since I've been here. The first one was pretty dissapointing (drunk people are never really that much fun to talk to, especially when they're being (m)assholish) and the second one was spent explaining to my mother what the international date line did to the arrival time (AND DATE) that she'd end up here in Japan. It looks like my fourth of July will be spent picking up my mom and sister from the airport in a land that does not even come close to speaking their langauge. Last night I went through Rinko park at the end of Minatori Mina 21, and saw the headwaters of the Rinko river, which was a very pretty sight. Today I'm going to head down through China Town Yokohama (apparently the biggest chinatown in Japan, though not as big as the one in new york city) and various touristy wanderings of the city that I was unable to do while I was at the conference. Did a helicopter simulation yesterday at Mitsubishi Headquarters, and was very dissapointed when it wouldn:t let my fly underneath the suspension bridge, much to the joy of the japanese people sitting in the simulator with me, who were getting quite sick. Well, I'm off, y'all enjoy the parties and other such american life at home. (Beer here cost me $9 for 23oz... :( ) Sayonara

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