Saturday, July 31, 2004

In Tokyo, first week

Well, it's saturday, and the first week (sort of) is over for school. Classes themselves are interesting but not worth comment here, I'm taking Japanese Busniess Management, and Contemperary Japanese Politics. It's the nightlife that's been interesting so far. I mostly hang out with a senior rugby player from Seaton Hall named Brandon (rugby alais "El Pissar") and a ROTC guy from Layola named Tom. The first night we got drunk we went to the "hub", which was their take on an english pub, which cost us a shit load. The second night, we wandered around, asking where a cheap place was, and ended up in a Karaoke room (Karaoke was never that much fun in the U.S., but when you throw in six japanese girls who can't speak english at all, it's a lot better), and I had sort of a rough night on the return to dorm. The next night we went to an "Izakiya" or a "sit down and drink place" which has really cheap beer, cheaper than in the U.S. as it were, but you have to order a small meal to go with it. There were tons of young japanese people there, and we ended up doing several drinking games with the table next to us, and I ended up Sumo wrestling and flicking the forheads of some. I learned two games that I think I could do again, Pin Pon Pan and Gyu Tai. Last night we had Curry, and then wandered, ending up near some of the soapland (two naked japanese women bathe you and fuck your brains out, as daiki said) and other red light district sights and attractions. We were approached by several street walkers, but no one took up any offers. Headed back early, and relatively sober so that we could go crazy tonight. Unfortunately I've lost the rest of my group and none of us have cell phones, so I go now to try to figure out how I can find them. To all Y'all at home, take care, and I'll bring more stories later.-J

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