Friday, July 16, 2004

end of Kobe trip and onto tokyo

This is the last leg of the journey with my mom and sister. We went to Himeji castle today, in Himeji Japan, which was two shinkansen stops west of Kobe. It is the largest castle in japan and was a damn impressive place to visit... if only it hadn't been 37 degrees C, plus "wicked" humidity. The gait barriers to the Shinkansen played the melody to the "eency weency spider" song, whenever a train was coming of leaving. The Japanese have many simular cultural misunderstandings about what we are into here in America, many of which are simply impossible to describe, but this is one exemplifying sample. Am reading Cold Mountain, or read it in one day today, as we completed the three hour shinkansen journey from Kobe to Tokyo. Still trying to distract myself, maybe feeling a bit better. -J

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